Monday, April 30, 2007

Entschuldigung für Madam Pince

Bei einer Lesung 2006 entschuldigte sich Joanne K. Rowling für die Darstellung der Bibliothekarin Madam Pince: "I would like to apologize for you and any other librarians (crowd laughs) present here today and my get-out clause is always if they'd had a pleasant, helpful librarian, half my plots would be gone. 'Cause the answer invariably is in a book but Hermione has to go and find it. If they'd had a good librarian, that would have been that problem solved. So, sorry" (die Bibliothekarin wird u.a. als "thin, irritable woman who looked like an underfed vulture" beschrieben). - Zitat aus dem Transkript auf Accio Quote, Hinweis aus dem HP Lexicon.

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