Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian They Left Behind

An interesting new children's book is announced for January: "Write to me. Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian They Left Behind" (Charlesbridge 2018), written by Cynthia Grady and illustrated by Amiko Hirao:

"When Executive Order 9066 is enacted after the attack at Pearl Harbor, children's librarian Clara Breed's young Japanese American patrons are to be sent to prison camp. Before they are moved, Breed asks the children to write her letters and gives them books to take with them. Through the three years of their internment, the children correspond with Miss Breed, sharing their stories, providing feedback on books, and creating a record of their experiences. Using excerpts from children's letters held at the Japanese American National Museum, author Cynthia Grady presents a difficult subject with honesty and hope".

The Japanese American National Museum had an exhibition called "Dear Miss Breed: Letters from Camp" one can still find information about on their website.

I had first heard about the internment of about 120,000 Japanese-American people in George Takeis autobiography "To the Stars. The autobiography of George Takei, Star Trek's Mr. Sulu" (1995). Takei and his family spent four years in a camp.
P.S. The museum also held an exhibition about Takei - "New Frontiers: The Many Worlds of George Takei, which "explores the life and career of pioneering actor, activist, and social media icon George Takei, who currently serves on the Japanese American National Museum's Board of Trustees. By examining Takei's diverse experiences and achievements, this entertaining exhibition creates a portrait of a unique individual while offering an innovative means of engaging with the social history of America. Takei has been an innovator on many fronts. Through a curated selection of his artifacts, New Frontiers captures a long and colorful life while also providing a space to reflect on some of the social and political changes that rippled through America during the 20th and 21st centuries. The exhibition begins with Takei's childhood and his incarceration, along with his family, at the Rohwer and Tule Lake concentration camps during World War II. It then moves through his career as one of the first successful Japanese American actors in Hollywood; his public service appointments, including stints on the Southern California Rapid Transit District and the Japan–United States Friendship Commission; his coming out as a gay man and his celebrated marriage to longtime partner Brad Takei (née Altman); his ongoing activism on behalf of the Japanese American and LGBTQ communities; his wild popularity as a social media figure; and much more".

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

BBB news. Neue Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in

Janet Hyunju Clarke / Raymond Pun / Monnee Tong (Hrsg.): Asian American Librarians and Library Services. Activism, Collaborations, and Strategies. Rowman & Littlefield 2017

Melanie J. Norton / Nathan Rupp (Hrsg.): Transforming Medical Library Staff for the Twenty-First Century. Rowman & Littlefield 2017

Todd Gilman (Hrsg.): Academic Librarianship Today. Rowman & Littlefield 2017. Darin u.a.:

  • Marta Brunner / Jennifer Osorio: "Recruitment, Retention, Diversity, and Professional Development"
  • Ronald C. Jantz: "A Vision for the Future: New Roles for Academic Librarians"

David A. Baldwin: The Academic Librarian's Human Resources Handbook. Employer Rights and Responsibilities. Libraries Unlimited 1996

Susan W. Alman (Hrsg.): School Librarianship. Past, Present, and Future. Rowman & Littlefield 2017. Darin u.a.:

  • Nancy Everhart: "Professional Growth Through International Associations"
  • Mary K. Biagini: "Seizing Opportunities: How the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Developed a Model Common Core Standards-based Information Literacy Curriculum and Leveraged Other Opportunities to Help School Librarians Develop Professionally"
  • April Dawkins: "Fostering the Next Generation of School Library Researchers"

Aoife Lawton / Jane Burns: "A review of competencies needed for health librarians – a comparison of Irish and international practice". In: Health Information & Libraries Journal 32 (2015) 2, S. 1471-1842

Christopher Skelton-Foord: "Surveying the Circulating-Library Scene: Popular British Fiction, 1770 - 1830". In: Peter Vodosek / Graham Jefcoate (Hrsg.): Bibliotheken in der literarischen Darstellung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999 (= Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 33), S. 89ff.

Geoffrey G. Allen: "The Proper Status and Functions of Librarians in Academic Institutions". In: The Australian Library Journal 33 (1984) 4, S. 5-12

Reinhart Siegert: "Libraries in the Literature of the Popular Enlightenment". In: Peter Vodosek / Graham Jefcoate (Hrsg.): Bibliotheken in der literarischen Darstellung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999 (= Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 33), S. 127ff.

Lester Asheim: "Librarians as professionals". In: Library Trends 27 (1978), S. 225–257

Alistair Black: "Representations of the Public Library in Victorian and Edwardian Fiction: Assessing the Semiological Approach". In: Peter Vodosek / Graham Jefcoate (Hrsg.): Bibliotheken in der literarischen Darstellung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999 (= Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 33), S. 151 ff.

Zsuzsanna Csuka: Das Motiv der Bibliothek in der Kriminalliteratur. Universität Wien, Masterarbeit, 2016

Günther Stocker: "Eine andere Welt - Die Bibliothek in Canettis 'Blendung'". In: Peter Vodosek / Graham Jefcoate (Hrsg.): Bibliotheken in der literarischen Darstellung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999 (= Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 33), S. 65ff.

Schulbibliothek als Baustein der Drogenprävention

Im thüringischen Landkreis Altenburger Land wurde eine Studie zum Suchtverhalten von Schülerinnen und Schülern durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse führten zu verstärkten Bemühungen um Prävention und Früherkennung. In einem Bericht der Ostthüringer Zeitung fordert der Amtsarzt Stefan Dhein, der die Studie initiiert hatte, nicht nur den weiteren Ausbau der Schulsozialarbeit, "auch plädiert der studierte Humanmediziner, Pharmakologe und Toxikologe für mehr Bindung zwischen Schüler und Lehrer sowie für mehr Leben vor allem an den Schulen auf dem Land. Sport, Spiel, Wissensvermittlung in Arbeitsgemeinschaften, eine Schulbibliothek, ein Bibliothekar als festen Ansprechpartner".

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Neue Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in

Hanns Leo Mikoletzky: "Aus der Frühgeschichte eines Wiener Archivs. Personal und Besoldung im Hofkammerarchiv 1775–1875". In: Archivar und Historiker. Studien zur Archiv- und Geschichtswissenschaft. Zum 65. Geburtstag von Heinrich Otto Meisner. Berlin: Rütten & Loening 1956 (Schriftenreihe der staatlichen Archivverwaltung 7), S. 121-140

Astrid Oliver / Eric Prosser: "Choosing Academic Librarianship: An Examination of Characteristics and Selection Criteria". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2017) 6, S. 526-531 ("a survey of 1872 academic librarians who obtained a graduate degree in librarianship to examine their undergraduate education and their general career paths leading them to academic librarianship")

Antonia P. Olivas (Hrsg.): Choosing to Lead: The Motivational Factors of Underrepresented Minority Librarians in Higher Education. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries 2017 (Rezension von Andrea Malone in: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2017) 6, S. 552)

J.G. Coghill / R.G. Russell (Hrsg): Developing Librarian Competencies for the Digital Age. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield 2017 (Rezension von Sandra Hussey in The Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2017) 6, S. 551–552, und von von JL Conklin in Medical Reference Services Quarterly 36 (2017) 3, S. 307-308)

Patrick Lo: Conversations with the World's Leading Orchestra and Opera Librarians. Rowman & Littlefield 2016