Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Nachschlagen oder nicht nachschlagen, das ist hier die Frage

Ich bin mit der Lexikon-Variante aufgewachsen und sehr dankbar dafür. Es war in meiner Kindheit ganz normal, unbekannte Begriffe im Meyer oder Brockhaus nachzuschlagen.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

BBB news: Neue Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in

Die neuesten Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in. Die gesamte Bibliographie findet sich auf
Colleen S. Harris-Keith: "What Academic Library Leadership Lacks: Leadership Skills Directors Are Least Likely to Develop, and Which Positions Offer Development Opportunity". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 42 (2016) 4, S. 313-318

Damon Camille / R. Niccole Westbrook: "Building a Program that Cultivates Library Leaders from Within the Organization". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 39 (2013) 6, S. 447-450

Curtis Brundy: "The Transition Experience of Academic Library Directors". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 40 (2014) 3+4, S. 291-298

Marie Keen Shaw / Hali R. Keeler: Supervision and Management. An Introduction for Support Staff. Rowman & Littlefield 2018

Curtis Brundy: "Critical views of leadership and the academic library". In: Library Leadership and Management 32 (2018) 3

William H. Walters: "Faculty status of librarians at U.S. research universities". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 42 (2016) 2, S. 161-171

Heidi M. Vix / Kathie M. Buckman: "Academic Librarians: Status, Privileges, and Rights". In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 38 (2012) 1, S. 20-25

Claudett Lambert / Nadine Newman: "Second career librarians: teachers transitioning to librarianship". In: Library Review 61 (2012) 6, S. 428-446

Mariana Lapidus / Samuel King: "Leisure Activities and Personality Traits of Medical Librarians". In: The reference librarian, 21. September 2018

Kathleen Voigt: "Selective guidelines for a beginning manager of an academic library reference department". In: The Reference Librarian 1 (1982) 3, S. 39-50

Loriene Roy / Elizabeth Kennedy Hallmark / Sarah Gilbert: "Wanted: UX Specialist with Reference Preparation or Reference Classes Assist Students in Preparing for UX Careers". In: The Reference Librarian 59 (2018) 1, S. 35-41

Sha Li Zhang / Loriene Roy: "Recruiting Future Librarians from Diverse Backgrounds: Model Projects In the United States". In: Journal of Library & Information Science 37 (2011) 1, S. 73-80