Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"befürwortet alle Bewerbungen"

Ein weiteres Beispiel für meine Sammlung von Erklärungen, warum auf geschlechtergerechte Sprache verzichtet wird, diesmal aus einer Stellenausschreibung der FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management:
"Aus Gründen der leichteren Lesbarkeit verwenden wir im Textverlauf die männliche Form der Anrede. Die Welt der FOM ist jedoch von großer Wertschätzung der Vielfalt unter den Studierenden, Lehrenden und Mitarbeitenden geprägt und befürwortet alle Bewerbungen."

Bisherige Beispiele hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier und hier in diesem Blog. Gegenbeispiel hier, anderes Beispiel für "mitgemeint" hier.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

BBB news: Neue Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in, 2019/8

Die neuesten Einträge in der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in. Die gesamte Bibliographie findet sich auf - Für alle, die nicht wissen, was das ist: Seit meiner Studienzeit befasse ich mich mit Berufsbild, Tätigkeiten, Image von und Klischees über Bibliothekar_innen und andere Informationsarbeiter_innen. In der Bibliographie Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in verzeichne ich Publikationen zu Ausbildung, Außenwahrnehmung, Bezahlung, Berufsbezeichnungen, Berufsbild(er), (Auto-)Biographien, Darstellung in Literatur und Film, geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede, Image, Jobaussichten, Karrierechancen, Klischees, Minderheiten, Lebensverläufen, Recruiting, Selbstverständnis, Tätigkeiten, Zertifizierung etc.

Sharon Whitfield: Gender and organizational citizenship behavior in library technology: Mixed methods study. Rowan University, College of Education, EdD Thesis, 2019

Veronica M. Gaskill: The role of the school media specialist as perceived by teachers, principals, and school media specialists. Rowan University, College of Education, MA Thesis, 1998

Mathew J. Freund: A study of the continuing library education patterns of public librarians in New Jersey. Rowan University, College of Education, MA Thesis, 2002

Olive Akpebu Adjah / Thomas Van der Walt: "Career progression of female librarians in public university libraries in Ghana". In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51 (2019) 2, S. 331-345

Melissa Fraser-Arnott: "Personalizing professionalism: The professional identity experiences of LIS graduates in non-library roles". In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51 (2019) 2, S. 431-439

Neue Plattform für Bibliotherapie Mary Mahoney, derzeit Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities at Trinity College, hat eine neue Plattform für Bibliotherapie gegründet:

"I am a historian of bibliotherapy and in the hopes of creating a community around the study of what is now called bibliotherapy, I have created a Google Group (Bibliotherapy-List) to share research, scholarship, questions, and event announcements. It is intended for those studying the history of what is now called bibliotherapy, and for those invested in its current practice in a multitude of contexts and forums from private therapy, public libraries, and beyond. To join, request access here:!forum/bibliotherapy-list".

Hinweis aus StanleyK.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium - Call for contributions

GSISC 2020: Technologies and Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Information Studies seeks to create an inclusive space for difficult, fruitful conversations around technology, however defined, as it affects and is affected by race, gender, sexuality, and ability. We aim to foster conversations that consider "technology" as the expression of material cultures, labor, and embodiment; as well as sites of empowerment or oppression.

In libraries, and in the professional discourses of librarianship and information studies, we often talk about "technology" as a means to an end. Or, we speculate about technology as though it emanated from the horizon of a futurity that appears sometimes threatening, sometimes empowering, but always inevitable: e.g., artificial intelligence will "revolutionize" the ways we find and use information. Both kinds of discourse omit the ways technologies begin and end in the flesh — how technologies shape habits of body and mind, just as those habits influence the design and construction of technologies.

The planning committee for the 2020 Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium invites you to join continue these conversations July 24, 2020 in Washington, DC at George Washington University.

We invite proposals that address the problems, power, and potential of "technologies" in libraries and archives, past, present, and future, and seek a range of interpretations of the concept of technology.

Questions might include, but are not limited to:
  • How do search algorithms, metadata standards, and user interfaces challenge or reinforce white supremacy, heteronormative patriarchy, and ableism?
  • How do our catalogs, databases, finding aids, and collections disguise the traces of oppression, even while perpetuating the violence visited upon the oppressed?
  • How do we talk about the absence of voices (either in the historical record or from our present-day communities) that haunts the architecture and design of our systems?
  • How have technologies been used to selectively forget pasts to perpetuate certain futures? How are technologies used to unearth the forgotten?
  • How do we address the absent presence of laboring bodies behind our technologies, especially those bodies whose labor is devalued and poorly remunerated?
  • How do we begin to redress the inequities that library and information technologies perpetuate, where the default user is most often white and able-bodied, and whose architects, designers, and managers are most often white cis men?
  • What kinds of digital cultural memory and community-based projects are critical right now?

We invite submissions from individuals as well as pre-constituted panels. Submit your proposals here: Deadline for submission: November 15, 2019. Notification by January 15, 2020. Registration opens February 1, 2020. Please direct any questions or concerns to

Organizing committee:

Das Colloquium findet zum vierten Mal statt - Rückblick auf 2018, 2016 und 2014.