Wednesday, March 12, 2025

"crying need for qualified, trained librarians"

Vor kurzem bin ich über das Arizona Memory Project und dort auf die Scans der Zeitschrift "Arizona Librarian" gestoßen. 1952 wurde darin der Mangel an qualifizierten Bibliothekar*innen beklagt und unter anderem auf niedrige Gehälter und schlechte soziale Absicherung zurückgeführt.

Marguerite Pasquale: "Let's do something aobut this". In: Arizona Librarian 9 (1952) 4, S. 7-8

"Not too long ago, I chanced across a letter written to a director of a library school pleading for a librarian to fill a vacancy. But to no avail - there were no applicants, since the positions available far exceeded the number of librarians to fill them! There has always been a crying need for qualified, trained librarians, but the need today seems greater than ever before.
Perhaps many factors have contributed to this situation. The low salaries so often paid and the little security offered in the way of pensions and retirement often discourage people, as do the five long years of training required for public librarians. In the case of a school librarian, in addition to library training, education courses are required in order to qualify for a teaching certificate.
Also the undefined areas of duties sometimes become a dissenting factor. Just where does the duty of the professional librarian end, and that of a clerk begin".

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