Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Neu: JASIST mit Artikeln über Twitter & Wikipedia

Die Ausgabe 60 (2009) 11 des Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology hat diesmal einige interessante (bzw. interessant klingende, hab sie noch nicht gelesen) Beiträge:
  • Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth / Bernard J. Jansen, Mimi Zhang, Kate Sobel, Abdur Chowdury
  • How and why do college students use Wikipedia? / Sook Lim
  • Addressing gaps in knowledge while reading / Chris Jordan, Carolyn Watters ("Reading is a common everyday activity for most of us. In this article, we examine the potential for using Wikipedia to fill in the gaps in one's own knowledge that may be encountered while reading. If gaps are encountered frequently while reading, then this may detract from the reader's final understanding of the given document. Our goal is to increase access to explanatory text for readers by retrieving a single Wikipedia article that is related to a text passage that has been highlighted")
  • Stabilizing homeless young people with information and place / Jill Palzkill Woelfer, David G. Hendry
  • Digital Consumers: Reshaping the Information Professions / Jennifer Rowley
  • PageRank for ranking authors in co-citation networks / Ying Ding, Erjia Yan, Arthur Frazho, James Caverlee
  • 1 comment:

    1. Hello, Mam, I'm not a Sir, so please update your news ;-) your link may stay. Kind regards, library mistress
