Vier schottische Städte streiten sich darum, welche von ihnen im 23. Jahrhundert die Geburtsstadt von Enterprise-Chefingenieur Montgomery "Scotty" Scott sein wird, schreiben unter anderem die NY Times (LogIn). Im "Rampant Scotland Newsletter" vom 23. Juli 2005 heißt es: "According to the Star Trek scripts, Scotty was born in Linlithgow (in 2222) and West Lothian Council were quick to react to the news of his death with plans to erect a plaque to the actor in the town" [im selben Ort geboren ist nebenbei bemerkt Mary Queen of Scots].
Anscheinend protestieren nun Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Elgin. Im Star Trek-Wiki Memory Alpha heißt es dazu: "The character once described himself as an 'Aberdeen pub crawler' in 'Wolf in the Fold' (TOS). However, the 'bible' for the original series states that Scott was born in Edinburgh. Confusing the matter is a 1970s interview with actor James Doohan in which he stated his belief that Scott came from Elgin, a town near Aberdeen". Ein Vertreter Linlithgows kommentierte die Diskussion: ""We should all agree to meet up in 2222 and see who was right".
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