Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Horizonterweiterung durch SantaThing

SantaThing ist das jährliche Buch-Wichteln für LibraryThing-Mitglieder. Meine Wünsche habe ich heuer so formuliert:
I like science fiction and social fiction; british "classics" (Austen, Brontë, Shelley, Wilde, Maugham and the like); books with librarians as characters or in a library setting (I already have a lot, e.g. cozy mysteries); books about forests/forestry/wood; LGBTIQ literature; language dictionaries - and any combination of these, e.g. an utopian novel with a lesbian lumberjack-turned-librarian ;-) - I would like to expand my library with steampunk and satire, but I am also happy to be surprised by my secret santa with something completely different - maybe you think I should definitely read your personal favourite book? :-)
Und bekommen habe ich folgende Bücher (*):

(*) Man bezahlt einen selbstgewählten Betrag - das Geschenk besteht also in der Auswahl und der Überraschung, nicht in den Büchern selbst.

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